And Even More Ways that Working Out Pays Off
This is part three of our series about some of the diverse ways that regular exercise can pay off. In Part 3, we recap part of the Time Magazine article from Sept. 2016 called “The New Science of Exercise” from author Mandy Oaklander.
We know you’re busy and want to make the most of your workout time whether it’s an aerobics class, going out for a run or even a walk around the block. In the article below, Martin Gibala, an exercise physiologist from McMaster University, says, “If you’re able to push hard, you can get away with surprisingly little exercise.” While few people would advocate doing fewer workouts, the point is that pushing a little harder for the same or a lesser amount of time can often yield better results.

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In the article, Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, a genetic metabolic neurologist, says, “As time goes on, paper after paper after paper shows that the most effective, potent way that we can improve quality of life and duration of life is exercise.”
“Doctors, scientists, even ancient philosophers have long claimed that exercise works like a miracle drug. Now they have proof. Here are some of the amazing things that happen to a body in motion.”
- Repeated weight-bearing contractions make muscles grow and put pressure on the bones, increasing density.
- The body is better able to burn fat for energy instead of carbs, causing fat cells to shrink.
- Exercise may protect telomeres, the tiny caps on the ends of chromosomes. This appears to slow the aging of cells.
- Increased blood flow to the brain creates new blood vessels. Exercise also triggers the release of chemicals that dull pain and lighten mood.
- Moving quickly makes the heart pump more blood to the body’s tissues, including the muscles. That extra oxygen helps muscles better withstand fatigue.
- Exercise revs up blood flow to the skin, delivering nutrients to the epidermis and helping wounds heal faster.